Thursday, 4 November 2010

Innocent : The Smooothest of Smoothie Makers

An Innocent Marketing Campaign:

Innocent Smoothie Co. has some incredible marketing strategies. Their head of creative strategies, Dan Germain, is a creative genious running 'pop-up' events all over London @ his elusive Five for Five Cafe. People are invited to dine with Innocent at random locations, last week was an abandoned tramshed decorated in fairy lights and natural, earthy decor. Their pop-up events enable them to communicate their brand in an incredibly strong, concentrated way while simultaneously learning a lot about their clientel. Germain says, "We could just loiter in Sainsbury's by the fridges and watch the people who come and buy our drinks, but we'd probably get kicked out." These events look funky, fun and fresh, good choice Germain.

The clever Innocent and their 'home-made' feel contributes greatly to their success. For the past few years they have had a hat campaign: sew a mini hat, donate it & make winter warmer for disadvantaged elders. The mini-hats are then put on their smoothie bottles and sold. Hundreds of thousands of hats come in from people all over the world. Proceeds this year are expected to smash through the £1 million mark and are donated to Age UK and Age Concern.

Their marketing is inspiring, their campaigning is ingenious, their advocacy impressive AND they have an ethical green- business ethos. These guys are truly smooooth operators and a great model for companies today.

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